Friday, October 22, 2010

WOW! :)

OK, what's up, bloggie?
well, I'll tell you what's going on.
at this moment, I have an uncontrollable urge to buy more books!
I know, I can't help it.

OK. Don't panic.
it's only the weekend before the Add Maths paper.
keep calm. yes, good job, Kevin.
Oh, my God!
I'm freaking out!

OMG. how can I control my addiction?
at least Becky has 12 credit cards, I have none!
I have an idea!
I'll buy only ONE book per month.
that way, I could read it and study.
oh, if I could help myself first.

by the way, I have to sign off now.
nights, bloggie :)

Friday, October 15, 2010


well, it's been a while since I've blogged.
so, to cut things short, my trip to Kayelle was FAB.

by the way, I'm reading Mini Shopaholic for the second time!
to my surprise, I don't get bored of it.
I mean, of course, it's by Sophie Kinsella and it's BECKY BLOOMWOOD!

I'm in the midst of having my exams.
which is total shit.
Chemistry and Physics and Biology was a total bitch.

bye bye, bloggie :)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

It's FAB! :)

reporting on my darling trip to Kayelle from the 4th to the 8th of Sept.
Grandpa fetched us to the railway station and the new ETS train was FAB!
a sweet syrupy scent greeted us when we boarded the train.
the train traveled pretty fast, honestly.
I brought The Fourth Year at Malory Towers for light reading but seriously, it was BORING.
so I fell asleep and we reached KLS in a jiffy!
 once there, we bought our tickets to KLCC.
we met our cousins and aunt there and had lunch.
I had pizza, seriously delicious. but too bad I forgot the name of the stall.

* * *

I zoomed over to the Convention Centre where the BOOKFEST was at!
I made my way to Hall 5 and as I entered, I saw it!
right before my eyes!
I hurried along and grab a copy and found a basket to (carefully) put it in.
and I roamed around the English Fiction corner and picked up The Wedding Girl in hardcover for only 15.90!
I got Mum Mitch Albom's Have A Little Faith and made my way to the cashier.
to my surprise, everything was only 78.10!
I mean, shouldn't it be 90++?

* * *

we took the LRT back to Bangsar and went to 1U via Aunt's car.
I have to say, shopping all day does have its price to pay.
our feet were killing us!
after Bernard's guitar lesson, we went home to my cousins' house in Sg. Buloh.
home sweet home! ( my 2nd home)

I'll continue with Day 2 next time.
BYE! :)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Thursday, August 26, 2010

8 More Effing Days! :)

Sunday, August 22, 2010



Sunday, August 15, 2010

A Whole Day Facing You!

seriously, I have to stop facing the laptop screen.
I teared just now.
darn my tired eyes.
anyway, Dad, Mum and Bryan is still in KL for the day.
I'm stuck at home, web surfing while Ryn is studying like mad downstairs.

should I set my dear bloggie as public?
I'm beginning to think that no one's reading it. seriously.

19 days to the MALAYSIA BOOKFEST 2010! :D

OK, I might not be the best writer (hopefully, I will be) but my writing process for my debut novel isn't going swimmingly and without a hitch!
Sophie Kinsella, why can't I be you?

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


have you ever given thought of fulfilling your lifetime wish when you grow up?
I know I have.
I have carved my path to success.
just about 3 months ago.
not very solid but you have to give things a go, no?

beat that Pn Senthamarai.
thanks a million for giving me such pathetic marks for my essays.
I'll prove it to you.
when I go for book signings and interviews, you'll be sorry.

OK, don't get ahead of yourself, Kevin!
you still have many years ahead of you.
remember, Rome was not build in a day.

Sophie Kinsella, I love you!

au revoir :)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Screw it.

you know what?
screw my last post.
I'm so buying Mini Shopaholic since there's a RM20 off it!
although it might be the UK edition, albeit I want the US.
it's only RM49.90 after discount!
yes! can't wait to go off to KLCC for the BOOK FEST!

omg. I have book fetish!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I'm sorry :)

sorry, bloggie.
it's been a while. I was busy and too stressed up write you.
so, to kick things off, I just had an awesomely relaxing trip to KL last weekend.
and guess what?
I didn't spend even a cent!

shit. I don't think I could wait another month for Mini-Shopaholic let alone for its paperback!
Mum, please?
I'm supposed to make rational decisions.
so, yeah. I'll wait until its paperback release.

I have an obsession.
I'm obsessed with novels.
I can't wait for Last Night At Chateau Marmont to hit the stores!
and I'm rereading my I Heart series again after finishing I Heart Paris last night.

au revoir and d'accorde to me! :D

Saturday, July 10, 2010

JW :)

Oh, crap. There’s no need to panic.
Yes, just take deep breaths.

“Are you alright?”, Jessica asks as she made her way into my room.

Jessica’s my youngest sister and also my BFF. Not that my eldest sister, Jane isn’t. It’s just that I get along a teeny bit better with Jess.


“I’m fine. Just nervous, that’s all.”, I say pointedly.

I’m Juliet Woods. I got the name Juliet because my mum was a Romeo and Juliet aficionado. There’s nothing special about me, honestly. I’m five-feet-nine and most of the guys I’ve dated are about a few inches shorter than I am and most of them are pretty intimidated.

“You don’t have to be nervous. You’re just going to a decent date with Mr. Hottie on Valentine’s Day.”, she says in a blissful tone.

“ I guess you’re right. How do I look?”, I ask.

I know I look absolutely stunning. I’m just asking for another person’s point of view, just to be on the safe side.

I’m going out on a date with Jacob, a tall, tanned and super gorgeous banker who lives on Fifth Avenue. We met at a friend of mine’s party last week. All I could say it was love at first sight. I know you think it’s kind of corny but I’m twenty-three and I still believe what I read in romance novels.

“Aren’t you going to be late? It’s already half-past six.”, Jess says as she looks at the clock.

“Oh. My. God. Thanks, Jess. See you tonight.”,  I say as I hurry to the door.

I race down the stairs and manage to hail a cab on a busy Saturday evening. 

hey! :)
please enjoy this excerpt and comment on ways I could improve.
bye bye, bloggie :) 

Ahoy! :)

due to the recent events, Ms CHS is officially an enemy.
wait. scratch that.
she's an enemy since for ever. yes. she is. in the matter of fact, yes.
don't ask why though. I wouldn't want to puncture one's feeling through my dear bloggie.

* * * *

oh, yeah. since there was a store wide sale at MPH from the 1st to the 4th, I bought a new novel!
yes, Celebrity Shopper by Carmen Reid.
haven't got around reading it yet though. still halfway through Nanny Returns.
I hope they have a movie for it (Nanny Returns).
really would want to see ScarJo as Nan again.

* * * *

school's been hectic. practically homework everyday.
Add Maths teacher's a nightmare.
she brought a broomstick into class for "class control".
more to like "I-would-want-to-deafen-you-so-I-can-control-your-class".
she's annoying. take it from me. she is. very. very, very.

* * * *

it's now 1.48 am.
in 16 hours time, I'll meet CHUAH MI CHING.
can't wait to see her. yes!
missed you, Miu Miu.
we'll definitely get to catch up during the boring scenes.
and laugh our asses off when "BODOH" sings off tune!
good night, bloggie :)

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Nan Returns for a sequel!

yay. bought Nanny Returns last Friday.
just finished In Her Shoes yesterday and started on Nanny Returns.
awesomeness! HAHA.
hees! :)

* * * * * 

hmmm. Open Day's on Tuesday and I haven't ask mum to fill in the form.
I forgot. so what?

* * * * *

so, not many things happened since my last post.
and yeah, some weirdo is trying to ask my sister for forgiveness.
that's not what you see every day!

bye :)

Friday, June 18, 2010


two weeks ago..

yay! holidays are coming!
can't wait to have fun and forget about school!


oh, fuck.
holidays are ending so soon.
two more days then it's HELLO to hell and BYE BYE paradise.
I don't want to wake up early, I want to sleep til noon.
I don't want to study, I want to play.
I don't want to die of boredom, I want to live for fun!
screw it all.
I'll curse at every teacher on Monday.
YEAH. I'll do that.
*cues evil laugh*

thank goodness there isn't any class this whole week.
and now I have to rush to finish up bloody maths given by BLINK BLINK.
oops. no one knows?

still stuck in chapter 2.
darn, I need inspiration.
I'll figure something out, I know I will.

bye bye, bloggie C:

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Bye bye, Carrie Bradshaw..

all right.
I've finished reading The Carrie Diaries.
it's about Carrie Bradshaw before SATC.
how she survives high school and her back stabbing friend who's nothing but a b!tch.
she meet Sebastian Kydd who's the so-called "Prince Charming" but soon finds out he's an ass.
then she somehow manages to befriend the most popular girl in school and the queen bee, Donna LaDonna.
and she gets into writing school and meets Samantha Jones, who is Donna's cousin.
hmmmm. I liked it.
but I still haven't read SATC by Candace Bushnell yet.
CRAP, right? :(

hm. I'm reading In Her Shoes by Jennifer Weiner now.
gosh. I want money so I can buy more books! :D

oh, yeah.
I watched When In Rome yesterday and it was awesome!
really a romantic comedy unlike some cheesy romantic film. Josh Duhamel is HOT!
I mean, seriously hot. too bad his wagon is hitched to Fergie's.

bye bye, bloggie :)

Friday, June 11, 2010


who in the world doesn't like SEX AND THE CITY?
I mean, how cool is it when you have a foursome with a passion for fashion!
I envy Carrie Bradshaw's closet.
hope it screens here in Ipoh.
*fingers crossed*

gosh, Sophie Kinsella.
how in the world could you write a 300 page novel?
back to work now (:

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Touching millions of lives with written words...

OK. I wanna be an author.
yes, can't you see it coming?
my love for books? :)
uh-huh. I even started on my first novel.
through with chapter one.
YEAH. I'm stuck in chapter 2 though.
but I'll have my writing juices flowing in no time.
my dreams of touching millions of lives with written words will be fulfilled!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Stupid bloody bloggie.
I ought to delete you or abandon you.
NO ONE wants to read about you.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

I'm happy for you, Maria :)
yes, congrats on your win in WTA Strasbourg.
and claiming your 2nd title on clay.
Roland Garros is awaiting you, babe.
go win it! :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Friday, May 14, 2010

Hey, hey, hey!

yup, exams are still on.
and yes, we're free for only 2 days.
which is unfair since the exams last for 2 weeks.
hmmmm. Bio and Sejarah was "fun".

oh, yeah. I bought "something" which is the envy of my friends! :)
wanna know what is it?
well, let me might as well show you!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


yes, do that.
I finished up I Heart New York in a week and I'm devouring I Heart Hollywood now.
and after having I Heart Hollywood for 2 days, I bought The Book Of Tomorrow.
yes, I did. it was on sale, so yeah. (even though it wasn't, I might have nabbed it anyway!)
oh, my mid-year is on and I'm online.
and bloody Chemistry's on first thing tomorrow.
just brilliant.
Biology's after recess and it's kinda hard to focus on 2 major subjects in a day!
the teacher who set the timetable is pure heartless.

Friday, April 30, 2010


hey, dumb bloggie.
again, school sucks and exams are just around the corner.
feeling kinda pressure, I guess.
well, fcuk it.
I don't care. it's just a mid-year examination.
I don't care.
I don't care.
well, today was sis's and Putt's last day of work.
I bet they had a blast.

hmmm. HE insulted me today :(
yes, he did. I'm heartbroken :'(

Saturday, April 24, 2010


I'm on an insane book buying spree!
I bought 2 books in a month.
yup, I've bought I Heart New York this afternoon.
I love the cover and storyline.
though I need to finish up The Truth About Melody Browne first.

OK. came back from school and had lunch.
Mum bought chicken rice.
yum yum, I guess.
had my bath and changed into my "going out" outfit.
watched Lilo & Stitch 2 : Stitch Has A Glitch.
shut up, I know.
but Stitch is cute, kay?
went out at 3.
reached Parade I was too reluctant to look at my watch.
OK. went to Novelhut first to return sis's book.
and went to Popular in HIGH SPEEEEEEEEED! (:
went to check the stock for THE BOOK.
then went over to the revision books area and an awful stench was irritating my nose.
then I saw a little bloop of poop.
must be a kid's.
got revision books for all the Science subjects.
they covered the poop with newspaper and as I was walking to the counter, a kid was running and he fell on THE SPOT cause he slipped on the newspaper.
eww. I tried to hold myself together by not bursting out laughing hysterically.
and I did. see? I'm proud of you, Kevin.
thanks a million, Kevin (:

and that wraps up today, I guess.
OK, good night, dumb bloggie.
love you lots (:

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


shush up, Miu Miu if you're reading this post.
very funny. of all the nicknames, Bubble?
I sound so watery and soft like PPG's Bubble :(

 all right. just started reading The Truth About Melody Browne. it's pretty good, you know. for a novel with LARGE font. LOL.

hoping to go to Parade this Saturday to buy I Heart New York ;) by Lindsey Kelk.
kinda like Shopaholic meets Sex and The City! can't wait! ;)

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Truth About KEVIN LOH :)

OK, sorry, my dear bloggie for not writing for such a long time.
I was busy.
OK, scratch that. I was on holiday.
I went to Bandung the weekend before last. I bunked school for 4 days.
and I'm doing it now, again.
hey, it's not my fault I have diarrheoa, kay?
it bloody hurts and most of the time, I feel nauseous.
"must be the food in Bandung", said Bum Bum. he continued, "because it is unhygienic".
yeah, yeah.
whatever. at least I had a blast there.
I didn't buy many things though. not that I'm short of dough, but nothing there suits me.

(i) A Nike gym bag
(ii) a cute pink strap
(iii) 2 Hard Rock tees
(iv) a rockin' Starbucks tumbler :)

well, I'm sorry to say, I'm pretty much not going to write much.
all right. hold on.
sis went to JJ yesterday and helped me buy The Truth About Melody Browne by Lisa Jewell.
yes, yes. I'm excited.
anyway, that's all for this post.
til then, BYE!
헤어짐 :)

Friday, April 2, 2010


[JESSICA] Ddok barohae neon joengmal bad boy
Sarangbodan hogishimbbun
[YURI] Geu dongan nan neo ddaeme ggambbak
Sogaseo neomeogangeoya

[YOONA] Neon jaemi eobseo maeneo eobseo
Neon devil devil neon neon

[TAEYEON] Ne haendeupon sumanheun namja
Han geuljaman bakkun yeoja
[TIFFANY] Nae kkoggaji yeokgyeoun perfume
Nugu geonji seolmyeong haebwa

[SOOYOUNG] Neon na mollae nugul mannaneun
Ggeumjjikhan geu beoreut mot gochyeotni
[HYOYEON] Ddwieo bwado sonbadak aningeol

You better run run run run run
[SUNNY] Deoneun mot bwa geodeocha jullae
You better run run run run run
[SEOHYUN] Nal butjabado gwanshim ggeodullae hey
[TAEYEON] De meotjin naega dweneun nal
Gapajugesseo itjima
You better run run run run run
[HYOYEON] Ddak geollyeoseo yagollyeoseo
Run devil devil run run

[SEOHYUN] Nae gyeoteseo salmyeoshi heulgit
Dareun yeojal ggok heultobwa
[TIFFANY] Na obseul ddaen neon super playboy
Gogae ddeuro daedapaebwa

[YURI] Neon jami eobseo maenao eobseo
Neon devil devil neon neon

You better run run run run run
[YOONA] Deoneun mot bwa geodeocha jullae
You better run run run run run
[SUNNY] Nal butjabado gwanshim ggeodullae hey
[JESSICA] De meotjin naega dweneun nal
Gapajugesseo itjima
You better run run run run run
[TIFFANY] Ddak geollyeoseo yagollyeoseo
Run devil devil run run
[TAEYEON] Neon jami eobseo maenao eobseo
Run devil devil run run

[SUNNY] Yae na gateunae eodido eobseo
[HYOYEON] Janmeori geulyeoseo shilmang haesseo
[SUNNY] Nan gyenedeul boda deo daedan hae
[HYOYEON] Neo geureohke keoseo mwo dwellae
[TAEYEON] Ggabulji mallaettji
[SOOYOUNG] Neol saranghae jul ddae jal haretji

You better run run run run run
[YURI] Deoneun mot bwa geodeocha jullae
You better run run run run run (Taeyeon: Run run run)
[SOOYOUNG] Nal butjabado gwanshim ggeodullae hey
[SEOHYUN] De meotjin naega dweneun nal
Gapajugesseo itjima
You better run run run run run (Taeyeon: You better, run run run! )
[JESSICA] E neolbeun sesang baneun namja
Neo hana bbajyeobwattja
[TAEYEON] Ggok naman bwajul meotjin namja
Nan gidarillae honja

don't you just love it?
can't stop singing it :)
watch the link below!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Run Devil Run

Run Devil Run
hmmmmm. where do artistes find inspiration to come up with such good songs, eh?
hee. I like SNSD's Run Devil Run but I still find Gee awesome!
I mean, Gee is cute and Run Devil Run is cool.

sports day today.
La Salle (my house) was crowned second as Augustus the reigning champion.
so what? it's just bloody sports day.
yay. got 2nd for marching :)
see, guys? all thanks to my gorgeous mask!

soooo, I won't be updating you, bloggie til Wednesday, so sorry :(
but I'll most probably be having a blast! :D

Monday, March 29, 2010

Please Forgive Me?

yep, that's the good news.
I bought Please Forgive Me by Melissa Hill on Saturday :)
so far, I love it. especially the cover!
the story's a about Leonie Hayes, an event manager and she ran all the way to San Francisco from Dublin to "have time to herself".
it's really quite good. LOL.

and yep, I ordered Heaven Can Wait by Cally Taylor through MPH.
the guy was like, "what's your name, miss?" and I was like, "Loh. L-O-H."
I know, right? but it was somehow funny with a tad irony 'cause the novel I ordered will be available soon (as they put it) which is in 2 months.

so, nothing much.
oh, yeah. had dinner last night at Akamomiji.
yum. yum.
saw a rambunctious girl there.
man, she was like really inadequate, seriously.
she was laughing as loud as a neighing horse!
gosh, I'm such a meanie.
anyway, good night.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I am..

all right.
I'm coming cleaner than a whistle.
so sorry for not updating regularly, especially sorry to MISS MIU MIU (you know who you are) ;)
I'm annoyed.
I'm stressed.
I'm tired.
I'm angry.
I'm mad.
I'm fucking very tensed up.

now you see what Form 4 life could do to someone.
trust me, this isn't honeymoon year.
it's more to torment and hell and etc.
and school just can't stop making your life a living hell.
maybe hell would be less torturous!

let's see what is the silver lining of this grey could..
well, at least it's confirmed that Mini-Shopaholic will be out on the 7th of September :D