Thursday, October 29, 2009

La La.. NOT!

Well, hey there. sorry for not writing yesterday.
I went to school. I mean, can you believe it?
school was as boring as usual.
but something happened.
something not so pleasant.

and yeah, he's a guy, sort of.
so, the reason I'm writing about this is to bitch about this f*cking faggot!
so what?
it's not like you can do anything to me.

after all, it's MY blog!

therefore, here it goes.
you think it's so funny to kick a football at people?
well, it's not gonna be pretty when I shove it down your throat and pull it outta your ass!
in case, you don't know, you're messing with the wrong person!
so what if you have a GBS gang?
like I give a fuck out of it!

on the other hand, your singing.
oh, hell no.
don't you have any dignity?
to actually post your "singing" on Youtube and have the whole world laughing, "Oh, God. what's with the duck voice?"

to the blog readers, please click on this link and hear for yourselves.
don't tell me I didn't warn you..
and to you, bitch, you better keep your eyes open whenever and wherever you are.

oh, crap. it turns out he deleted it himself.
amazing that he still has some dignity left.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Thing can turn 360 degrees!

ugh. well, the worst thing over the weekend that happened was that I fell sick.
and now, it's the perfect excuse to ditch school. (aren't I like super smart?)
 er.. nothing special actually happened.

went to Jusco last night.

ate at Johnny's. hmph. couldn't eat the tom yam.

went to Popular. Sis bought a YELLOW highlighter and some pens.
(I was still empty-handed and I was itching to buy something)

So, I thought of buying Seventeen's November issue!
but, it turns in MPH, they don't have it yet. MAJOR SADNESS!
and I roamed around MPH, feeling rather disappointed.

"heyya, you meanies from MPH!
spare me some epiphany, please!
I've spend hundreds buying my novel collection from you guys!
well, you can
you guys should

as I looked and browsed around, something caught my eye!
super vintage paper wrappers!
and they were cheap too, only RM1.50!
I ended up buying 3! (2 for me and 1 for Sis!)
but I have no idea what to use it for.

after that, so-called shopping trip, I went back and saw Happy lying down in his cage!
I know, right? It's hyper for a dog. (it's proven! he wags his tail and make sounds with it when he sees me)

and don't get me wrong, Happy's a male.

had a good bath and went to bed.
and woke up! (TODAY!)

Friday, October 23, 2009

My Golfer Friend!

heyya, guys! (and girls)
I'd like you guys to check out a friend of mine.
he's kinda like the next Tiger Woods.
and he's an awesome dude!
drum roll, please!

*drum rolls*

he's Justin Thong!

check him out on Youtube! 

Justin's Got Game!

Thursday, October 22, 2009


You know how f*cking bastards and scumbags like to ruin people's lives?
well, yeah.
I just experienced a never-ending parade of pure stupidity by some people who addresses themselves as my "friends".
Some bastards you guys are!
I posted some random quote. And these bastards started to talk crap and pure bullshit.
so what if I like someone?
you f*cking jealous is it?
well, screw all of you.
for example, David**, if I say, enough is enough, you friggin' numbskull, JUST F*CKING STOP IT!
next time, stop bullshitting about people on Facebook or Twitter.
if you wanna comment on our posts, please be rational and use the brain GOD gave you.
I'm wondering why GOD created dumbasses and scum-sucking road whores..

**name changed

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Well, most people know Maria Sharapova, right?
And most of you guys don't know that I'm a SUPER DIE-HARD FAN of her.
lol (:
She was down with a shoulder injury last year and she was forced to retire.
After 9 months, she made her comeback in Warsaw Open and she even won Japan Open.
Think about it, from World No.126 to No.14.
So, keep our fingers crossed that she'll kick ass in AUSTRALIAN OPEN 2010!

Confusion in Flickr!

Does anyone know how to work FLICKR?
I just signed up and I'm seriously like, "uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."
It's so freaking confusing.

A Star Is Born!

I just turned on the teevee and guess who I saw on CHANNEL V!
Justin Bieber.
MAN, that boy is goooooood!
you guys should really check him out!


Heyya, there!
I'm Kevin and I have 3 blogs so far.
lol :)
but this is the one that is going to be active! (hopefully)
just wanna wish everyone "HAPPY BLOGGING!"